
Opening the Goddess Portal – Goddess Essence Short Online Course

By September 12, 2021September 25th, 2021Free Masterclass

Sep, 29th & Oct, 1st – 2nd

From 4.30PM IST / 7.00PM Bali / 1.00PM CET
Goddess Essence Short Online Course

Opening the Goddess Portal

A Journey Into the Heart of Ecstasy

Ma Anand Sarita

Sep, 29th & Oct, 1st – 2nd

From 4.30PM IST / 7.00PM Bali / 1.00PM CET
Goddess Essence Short Online Course

Opening the Goddess Portal

A Journey Into the Heart of Ecstasy

Ma Anand Sarita

Sep, 29th & Oct, 1st – 2nd

Goddess Essence Short Online Course Timings

Starts at 4.30 pm

Indian Time

Starts at 7.00 pm

Bali Time

Starts at 1:00 pm


  • Are you in touch with the Goddess within you?
  • Who is this Goddess, you ask? It is YOU. It has always been you.

Do you love yourself? Are you aware of your own magnificence?

You see, every woman is inherently a Goddess, enjoying her divine feminine power, fierce, wild, and free! She is a force to be reckoned with.

As women, we make up half the population of this world. All human beings come from the WOMB of a woman. It therefore becomes our sacred duty as torchbearers of the spiritual revolution to find out how we can harness the divine power within each of us so as to help birth a more conscious world. And most importantly awaken our innate Goddess Potential through our sacred Goddess Portals.

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What is a Goddess Portal?

A Goddess Portal is a power centre in the body through which a woman can access her divine potential. As a woman, it is from awareness of and immersion into your power centres that you can experience true physical, emotional, and spiritual awakening.

Presented to you here, is a marvellous opportunity!— Opening the Goddess Portals, is a condensed fast track, based on deep experiential wisdom gathered over many years by Ma Ananda Sarita. She is a world-renowned Tantra Master, Mystic, author of “Divine Sexuality: The Joy of Tantra and Tantra Alchemy, two books that will rock your world!

In this free mini course and special preview of the comprehensive ‘Goddess Essence’ Women’s Erotic and Emotional Fulfilment by Ma Anand Sarita you will learn about these Goddess Portals and discover the secret wisdom of your body.

What does this mini course entail?

In the FREE online mini course by Ma Anand Sarita, you will understand:
  • How as women we can we work on opening up the sacred portals within our own body to help us tap into our absolute and divine potential.
  • How we can activate and embody the goddess force within each of us.
  • How can we align our own energy with that of the divine female consciousness of the cosmos through the sacred power centres in our body.
  • How we can Journey into the Heart of Inner Ecstasy
  • Tips and methods to empower yourself, thus equipping yourself to face challenges better
  • Tips and methods for maximising your erotic ecstasy
  • How to love and respect yourself
  • How to enjoy our feminine nature even in our fast paced, male oriented society
  • How to activate lasting transformation, physically, psychologically and spiritually

How will this help you?

  • You will understand how a woman’s body acts as the portal for both birth and death and all cycles of creation.
  • Learn about the female sexual response in the genitals, throughout the body and the brain.
  • Understand the role emotions play in a woman’s sexual flowering.
  • Discover the role physical connection and intimacy plays in awakening a woman’s orgasmic potential.
  • Understand the positive and receptive nature of the chakra system and how Kundalini energy is activated in women.
  • Discover the fullness of your own inner potential and why you deserve to be a fully empowered woman!
  • Discover a treasure map leading you to female spiritual mastery
  • Enjoy coming back home to who you were meant to be, in this body, in this life, on this earth
  • Experience the presence of other women joining you on this journey as a rich resource of sisterhood and community
  • Receive answers to burning questions around sexuality, love, and spirituality

Is this for you?

Perfect for all those who wish to integrate and rejoice in their absolute and deepest divine femininity whilst unashamedly claiming their authentic birthright for pleasure. This is for you if you want to create a greater level of authenticity and loving connection to all aspects of your life!

This is for you if loving and respecting yourself and manifesting the life you deserve is your focus.

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Flow of the 3- Day Immersion :

  • Introduction and discourse
  • Presentation of the theme
  • Q and A
  • A Guided practice
  • Integration

Daily Schedule :

Sep, 29th (75 min)

Day 1: We will explore in-depth; Awakening The Goddess Portals

Oct, 1st (75 min)

Day 2: Understand more about Female Sexuality and about reclaiming our Birth right of Inner Ecstasy (Duration 75 Mins)

Oct, 2nd (90 min)

Day 3: Ma Ananda Sarita will guide us through the LIVE Exclusive Preview of the Full Goddess Essence course’ Women’s Erotic and Emotional Fulfilment.

Join us for an extraordinary journey, as we unveil our power and potential as women. Every woman is a Goddess if we can allow ourselves to live our magic and mystery.

Ma Ananda Sarita
About the facilitator

Ma Ananda Sarita


Ma Ananda Sarita is a world-renowned Tantra master and mystic offering courses, retreats and trainings throughout the world. She has embraced the Goddess within through many years of meditation, tantra and holistic healing practices. Ma Ananda Sarita met Osho in Bombay, India in 1973 and received a direct transmission and much personal guidance from him for the following 16 years. After he left his body in 1990, she remained in his community for another 9 years. The teachings she offers are influenced profoundly by the fact that she is rooted in Osho’s lineage. The enlightened vibration and wisdom she received from Osho is woven into the fabric of all her work.

True to the spiritual essence of Tantra, Ma Sarita guides her students on their path of self-realisation and invites you to discover the fullness of your own inner potential, as a lover, a mother, creator and wise woman. She also helps people to heal and transcend the psychological issues which are carried as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences.

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