
Performance & Pleasure Masterclass

By December 19, 2020June 3rd, 2021Free Masterclass

Performance & Pleasure Masterclass

Integrated Masculine with Dhyan Niten & Aaron Kleinerman

What the world needs right now is strong integrated masculine beings who are showing up connected to their heart, to their sex, to all their centres and able to share the wisdom that is alive inside of them without needing to prove, or showcase how great they are, but actually just doing the essence of their full existence.

Dhyan Niten
Pleasure & Performance Masterclass

What you will get out of the masterclass

  • Quality intimacy with your partner
  • Understand your own body better
  • Tips and tools to create deeper access to pleasure and to train your own body
  • Reprogram your cells
  • Understand you have all the time in the world to self pleasure
  • Learn how to meet a goal without having to beat yourself up if you don’t get there
  • Insight into how to rewire our brains and how it relates to interactions and experiences.
  • Awareness on how to let go of the performer
  • To let go of the agenda
  • To let go of anything needing to be done in a certain way
  • Embrace the unknowingness, nothingness, emptiness and still be able to ask where does my erection or turn on reside?
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Online Course

Integrated Masculine with Dhyan Niten & Aaron Kleinerman

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More about your guide

Dhyan Niten

Niten is an international Tantra teacher who facilitates courses and trainings for singles, couples and men. He graduated from the Academy of International Business in Paris and London in 1991 and holds a degree in Marketing. In 1992, he moved to India where he got initiated into Tantra. He lived in the Osho Commune International for 7 years and developed his skills in Tantra and Healing modalities. He studied and practised Yoga and Meditation as well as Classical Indian Music (Ragas).

For 10 years, he was a lead teacher at Tantra Essence and is now a faculty member of ISTA ( In 2010, he created “The Integrated Masculine”, an in depth process for the modern Man. In 2014, he co-founded Ibiza Tantra Festival. one of the largest Tantra festival’s worldwide.

In 2019, he co-founded Tantra Spirit Festival in Croatia. His passion for natural evolution and the subtleties of personal growth makes him a gifted facilitator With clear insights and humour, Niten invites every participant to shake off their conditionings, break through old patterns and reunite with their essential nature.

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More about your guide

Aaron Kleinerman

Aaron Kleinerman is a Transformational Sex and Relationship Coach, Facilitator & Speaker. He is the lead male teacher for Eliyah Tantra School, a Tantric Practitioner, and creator of ‘The Conscious Man’s Guide to the Bedroom.’ He has learned from the great masters in the field of sexuality and transformation, including earning a master’s degree in spiritual psychology. Aaron went from being a licensed captain navigating ships to a sexual behavior and movement specialist navigating souls.

His workshops, retreats, sessions and speeches help humans integrate body movement, psychology, sexuality and spirituality. He speaks and teaches honestly and transparently so that others can unlock the real reason for their human existence. Aaron’s mastery as a teacher provides the practical tools everyone needs to implement embodied awakened intelligence into daily life.

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Energy flows where attention goes

One of the benefits of keeping these practices as a part of your routine is to re-sensitise the body. In this place of pleasure that reintroduces you to your body, changes the way in which your neurology is experiencing the world around you. When you look yourself in the mirror and recognise yourself as a divine sexual being, then your whole energetic being begins to come alive more. You’re not just living from the mind up, but you are beginning to dive deeper into the body.

This is where mindfulness lies : dropping into the here and now and not paying attention to the noise around you. Focusing our attention on pleasurable sensations in the here and now by engaging all the senses.

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