
New Moon in Libra – Darkness Meditation with Suta

By October 1, 2021Free Webinar

Oct, 7th 2021

From 6.30pm UK / 7.30pm CET / 11.00pm IST
New moon in Libra

Darkness Meditation

By Suta Rawson

Live Meditation Timings

Starts at 6.30 pm

UK Time

Starts at 7.30 pm


Starts at 11:00 pm


New Moon in Libra

The Libra new moon on October 6, 2021 aligns with Mars. The spiritual meaning of the new moon in Libra of October 2021 relates to energy, passion and initiative, but also calls upon one to tread with caution.

The alignment of the New Moon with Mars presents us with an invigorating burst of energy and initiative. But October’s New Moon is also an opportunity to restore balance within and all around you.

The presence of a Mars retrograde calls you to go inwards, and introspect on everything, from what you desire to what actions you want to take. During this time, you can question old habits, behaviors, and beliefs as you search for ways to align with your true self.

What are we planning for this day?

The universe is presenting us with an opportunity to transform this highly charged energy into something constructive and productive. We can do this with conscious awareness, by cutting out the noise of the outside world and going within.

This New Moon, we bring to you, ‘Illuminating Darkness’ a deep Darkness Meditation practice with Suta. This FREE New Moon event is about bringing you ‘Home’ within.

How will the ‘Darkness Meditation’ be conducted?

  • This will be a guided experience in which you will be encouraged to sit in a very dark or blacked out space and use some kind of blindfold/eye mask. If you cannot find an eye mask, just having your eyes closed in a dark room will work as well.
  • Whilst being ‘in Darkness’ you don’t need to look at your screens, you will be guided and encouraged to rest, go deep within, all without seeing!
  • Our mentor Suta will give a brief talk about Darkness practices, new ways to think about Darkness, and will conduct short exercises like gentle breath work or eye movements that will help you to prepare for the shift from doing to being, from light to darkness.
  • Through this practice, you will be able to experience a quieting of the usual endless chatter in the mind and rest in the gap, the space between your thoughts.

How will this help you?

Through this practice:
  • You will be able to ease up on too much thinking and experience a mental detox.
  • You will experience a state of deep relaxation.
  • You will be able to reframe the paradigm of darkness and befriend it.
  • You will be able to find a way to peacefully address your shadows and transmute them into light.
  • You will be able to align with your core, your true- self, such that you feel unstuck, inspired, clear and creative.
  • You will be able to connect with your own deep knowing,the universal consciousness or the womb from which all creations birth.
  • Meditation in the dark can help anyone suffering from insomnia, depression and anxiety. It Improves vitality and biological sleep patterns.
  • Through such an experience people can experience feelings of universal compassion and can work deeply on that which needs healing within.
Signup for Free Meditation

What can you expect from this kind of meditation?

  • A meditation in the dark can be a deeply nourishing and relaxing experience.
  • It can bring about healing for stressed minds as during this practice our visual stimuli is stopped.
  • Beyond relaxation, you can discover your inner space and its treasures – clarity, creativity and alignment with your True Self.

Is this for you? Answer it for yourself:

  • If you are committed to waking up to your essential nature
  • If you want to become a more present, clear, peaceful person
  • If you have a desire to awaken your true self
  • If you have a a hunger to go deeper
  • If you have a readiness to evolve
  • If you have the willingness to let go and receive guidance from the universe
New moon in Libra

Flow of the event

  • Introduction to Darkness meditation
  • What is it? Why do it?
  • Guided experience
  • Open space for sharing and questions
Signup for Free Meditation
About the facilitator

Suta Rawson

“The true spirit of my work is to give people who sense that “there must be something more”, healing experiences of peace, timelessness & ecstasy that come from reconnecting the energies of sex, love & Spirit.”

Suta Rawson has over 25 years’ experience in the healing arts and has led workshops and trainings in 15 countries in Breathwork, Tantra, meditation, massage and Transcendence. A Senior Teacher in the Tantra-Essence School since 2008, he co-created the Sex to super consciousness Training, the 2 year Tantra Teacher Training and the Tantra Man training.

He is passionate about ‘the Breathe’ as a divine gift for helping individuals and couples ground, connect, open and expand and is currently pioneering work with the healing power of Darkness retreats. He is known for his friendly and down-to-earth approach, as well as being highly knowledgeable about Tantra, meditation and sacred sexuality, and the healing power of Darkness. Through his compassion and sensitivity people feel seen and recognised both in their struggles and in their magnificent potential. He helps people remember their essential nature and enjoy more fulfilling intimacy.

He has an intuitive, friendly and down-to-earth approach to coaching people to awaken through Tantra, Breathwork and Illuminating Darkness. Through his compassion and sensitivity people feel seen and recognised both in their struggles and in their magnificent potential. He helps people remember their essential nature and enjoy more fulfilling intimacy.

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