
Alchemistical Belly Dance Workshop

By December 15, 2020May 23rd, 2021Online Courses

Alchemistical Belly Dance Workshop

with Schirin Chams-Diba

Workshop Cost

 20.00 Only

Enroll now

We welcome you to join us in invoking the divine by expressing yourself in the art piece that is your innate nature.

“When we step in love and own all of ourselves we truly fulfil our destiny in the greater ocean of life”

Give yourself permission to move your body to the call of the magic forces of this world. Come dance through the 4 elements that are the fabric of life with us. As nature has all of these elements so do they appear in our bodies.

Positive Effects of Alchemistical Belly Dance

When we do this transformational work inside ourselves, there is a ripple effect out into the world:

  • We have an authentic vibrational effect on your inner being.
  • Ripple effect ensures not just beneficial for ourselves but for the whole world.
  • Dance is a heavenly expansive expression to the divine.
  • The full creative potential actualised through the body and bodies never lie.
  • It is always integrative.
  • When we retell our story through the embodiment of the body, it is a truly transformational experience.

Life in everyday situations can be a sacred offering and every moment is a mystery unfolding.

This workshop is held together beautifully against the backdrop of Schirins other project, a musical collective called Karavan Sarai. This music will help you melt into the elements and drop into yourself as the sacred vessel where the alchemy happens.

So within, as without.

Alchemistical Belly Dance Workshop

Who is the workshop for ?

You are here because you understand that the integration of matter and spirit is the key. You now also know that you can share this outwards at any moment.

  • This workshop is for anyone in a woman or man’s body that wants to go deeper in their connection with their body
  • Anyone who wants to harness the power of ritual dance as a sacred offering
    Those in women’s bodies who wish to connect more with their womb
  • Those looking to deepen their connection with their ancestors
  • Anyone who wants to include play, while performing ritualistic movements and get some exercise while doing it!
  • If you are looking for self-love, increase self-confidence and healing through dance
  • If you have never danced before but are looking for something easy to start with
  • Want to embrace your divine feminine
  • Anyone who wants to feel sexy, feminine and healthy in their own skin
  • If you are looking to get more movement and flow into your body
  • Want to regain your Goddess Energy

You will be guided by movements and experience

  • Trust that your body knows the movements already.
  • Beginning with simple presence and standing with legs, hips apart and arms open, palms up.
  • Bring awareness of today, this moment, with eyes full of wonder, look around and perceive yourself, right here right now.
  • Connect with the pulse within you that carries the lifeline of life.
  • Offer your dance to the earth, to each other and your journey may begin!

Workshop Cost

 20.00 Only

Enroll now
More about your guide

About Schirin Chams Diba


Schirin Chams-Diba is a mystica, dancer, yogini, healer, and pilgrim at heart. From a young age, she has followed a distinct call to embark on a life-long journey of healing, adventure, and truth. From a long line of Persian healers and wise women, she has trained intensively in sacred dance, yoga, spiritual lineages, esoteric arts, and herbal medicine. After years of exploring the world, devoting herself to in-depth study, and shaping her own practice, she feels called to share her skills in service to the greater good. Bringing together all these riches has led her to develop her method for ‘Essence of the Feminine’.

For the past decade, Schirin has taught sacred movement medicine through feminine-aligned yoga, sacred dance traditions from the Middle East to India as a transformational and empowering experience, various esoteric traditions seen through the feminine lens, lunar rhythms and holistic lifestyle choices. Whether alone or in a circle of sisters, the practices serve the experience of connection, naturally arising wisdom, intuition, vitality, creativity, healing and joy.

As a multi-disciplinary dance artist, Schirin is a founding member of the world music project Karavan Sarai. She regularly performs live with world-renown musical acts at festivals and concerts.

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