
Goddess Essence – The Goddess Unveiled

By August 19, 2020October 27th, 2020Uncategorized

Goddess Essence – The Goddess Unveiled

Online course with Ma Ananda Sarita

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Together we can change the direction from destruction to creation by envisioning a world worthy enough to leave to our children, and our children’s children.

The change begins from within. We need to discover our own inner nature. Do you love yourself? Are you aware of your own magnificence? If not, then discover how to love yourself. By doing so, this will reflect in your outer life in so many ways.

Yes, it is true that there are atrocities happening in this world everyday and we, as women have the power to transform that. Though it might seem like the world has an insurmountable number of problems, yet I have faith that because women are so powerfully attuned to love and love is the greatest healing force in the world, we can still bring about the necessary change to leave a wonderful legacy for the generations to come.

As more women tune into loving themselves, this will spread and become a full movement of energy and power. Since we are 50% of humanity we can turn things around, and it starts with me, with you and every woman you know. And like this the ripples keep expanding. Let us be proud of what we leave behind for our children and our children’s children.

In this immersion you will find the recipe for fulfilment in life by:

  • Gleaning vital information and practices on feminine wellbeing, health and beauty
  • Experiencing exercises of dance, massage, healing and meditations
  • Learning how to love yourself, embrace yourself and recognise your own magnificence
  • Finding a space for women like you to unleash your potential to live life more ecstatically
  • Benefitting your physical, emotional and spiritual awakening as a woman
  • Opening your clairvoyance and your ability to be a wise woman and healer for yourself and for all women
  • Gaining understanding of the spiritual path which is attuned to your feminine nature
The Goddess Unveiled

What you will get:

– 13 lessons carefully crafted and beautifully shot and presented in a package that can be explored at your own pace

– 38 videos of a total length of 28 hours of high-quality content

– Full discourses, full time meditations, rituals and learning structures

– Lifetime access to the course

– Bonus 3 Live Q/A sessions with Ma Ananda Sarita if you buy before November 20, 2020

How do you know if this program is right for you?


Finding fulfilment as a woman ?

If you have ever had questions around finding fulfilment as a woman, in your relationships with yourself, family or lover, or if you have issues that need healing and are a seeker of truth, then this course is for you.

Maximise your orgasmic potential ?

Perhaps you would like to go further and seek methods that would help you maximise your orgasmic potential and ultimately open a new dawn for the divine feminine everywhere, then this course is definitely for you!

Do you love your own body?

Do you realise how magnificent you are? It is through opening your potential that you will create the world you desire to live in.

The Goddess Essence – Goddess Unveiled Curriculum

All the lessons in this program have been prepared with full discourse, full time meditations, rituals and learning structures such as massages and body care preparation.

There are 13 lessons in the course and each one has theory – a discourse, meditations and rituals filmed in full length, so you can participate as though you were really there.

The course includes lessons, meditations, rituals, interviews, recipes, massage guidance, bonus material and more. In 38 videos (28 hours of footage), you will find high quality content recorded by experienced professionals of film as well as Tantra.

Lesson 1

Introduction to the Course :
This course includes vital information on feminine well-being, health and beauty. You will discover the fullness of your own inner potential and why you deserve to be a fully empowered woman!

Lesson 2

Goddess Embodied in Human Form:
The Goddess was banished to the netherworld for the past 2000 years and now she is emerging again into our planetary consciousness in a myriad of ways. Together and in the presence of her power and beauty, you will give birth to a harmonious world.

Lesson 3

Blessing the Space:
For any spiritual practice, blessing the space is incredibly important and supportive for creating a safe and sacred environment for meditations and rituals.

Lesson 4

Dancing the Demons:
Through the dance you are going to come into freedom and be in contact with your true nature.

Lesson 5

What I Love and What I am not Happy About with Myself:
Wonderful self-empowerment, self-love and self-healing methods will be shared

Lesson 6

Sundaram Meditation:
‘Sundaram’ in Sanskrit means ‘beauty’ and doesn’t just refer to superficial beauty but also the beauty that comes naturally from within us.

Lesson 7

The Body of the Goddess:
The Dance of the 7 Veils is designed to unwind and release the layers of ego protection that we have as women to integrate the whole body through a process of acceptance and love.

Lesson 8

Magical Beauty Scrub:
A ritual dedicated to your own beauty and to the beauty of your auric field.

Lesson 9

Dance of the 7 Veils:
The layers of protection that we have developed as women shut us down and stop us from living and breathing our fullest Goddess potential.

Lesson 10

Body and Soul Rejuvenating:
This unique facial treatment maintains a youthful glowing skin if done regularly. We experience rejuvenation of body and soul while relaxing and receiving.

Lesson 11

Atisha’s Heart Meditation:
By virtue of its very nature, the heart chakra transforms suffering into love. This is the quintessential tantra practice.

Lesson 12

Breast Massage:
A self-massage for your breasts to awaken pleasure, sensuality health and well-being.

Lesson 13

Breast Meditation:
This sutra from the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, offers a portal into deep meditation for the feminine.

Ma Ananda Sarita’s Personal Invitation

This program is a condensed path, based on deep wisdom gathered through the years by Ma Ananda Sarita.

I have been following the path of tantra, meditation, holistic healing and you can follow your own path because every path leads to the Goddess. The Goddess within and the Goddess without. By discovering who you truly are, you open to your full potential. Join me as we go on this amazing, joyful, celebratory, sensual path together!

No matter where you are on your life path, transformation is always possible, you just have to find your portal to go through.

I want to share with you the essence of what it means to be a woman and be a Goddess and how to reclaim your full potential which is your birthright. Even if you were born in difficult circumstances or faced huge challenges in life, it is never too late. Follow your bliss.

Course Cost


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About the facilitator

Ma Ananda Sarita


Ma Ananda Sarita is a world-renowned Tantra master and mystic offering courses, retreats and trainings throughout the world.

She has embraced the Goddess within through many years of meditation, tantra and holistic healing practices. Ma Ananda Sarita met Osho in Bombay, India in 1973 and received a direct transmission and much personal guidance from him for the following 26 years. The teachings she offers are influenced profoundly by the fact that she is a part of Osho’s lineage. The enlightened vibration and wisdom she received from Osho is woven into the fabric of all her work.

True to the spiritual essence, Ma Sarita guides her students on their path of self-realisation and invites you to discover the fullness of your own inner potential, as a lover, a mother & creator and a wise woman.

She also helps people to transcend the psychological issues which are carried as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences.

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